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7 Tips on how to write an eBay product description that sells

How to Write Perfect eBay Product Description That Converts

Writing an eye-catching, great and awesome eBay product description is by far the cheapest way of enhancing visibility on the said platform. Indeed, the e-Commerce platform experiences harsh competition amongst the various sellers. It is simply not possible to play safe yet make any meaningful headway at all.

We are here to help you out to write a great product description. And we are glad to present the same to you in the proceeding conversations:

7 Tips on How to Write an eBay Product Description That Sells

  1. Maintain a High Readability Score
  2. Be Honest
  3. Make it Sales-oriented
  4. Leverage the eBay SEO
  5. Incorporate Keywords and Ideas from Competitors
  6. Provide Exceptional Services
  7. Take the Best Photos

1. Maintain a High Readability Score

Most readers have the very limited attention span. This is because they are always in a hurry to get things done. They will therefore hardly stay longer on a particular page. Moreover, there are thousands of other sellers like you.

These sellers, just like you, are also intent on luring potential clients within the shortest time possible. This is not to mention also that there are other competing online auction sites besides eBay. If an online buyer does not find what he is looking for in eBay, he will gladly and simply switch to yet another platform. This is why you have to capture their attention swiftly.

To do this, be sure to maintain a great readability while drafting the eBay product descriptions of your products. The following are some of the tips to adhere to:

  • Keep your sentences short and to the point
  • Avoid passive sentences
  • Do not use huge words and complex vocabulary to drive your point home
  • Keep paragraphs very short (no more than 3 sentences per paragraph)
  • Separate the descriptions appropriately for greater visibility

7 Tips on how to write an eBay product description that sells

2. Be Honest

Try as much as possible to present the facts as they are, without hiding. This is to prevent shocks that consumers may often confront when they eventually receive their order. Moreover, many buyers will often prefer returning the product in case it does not live to their expectations. This is not mention also that your overall reputation with being hurt, as does the future sales as well. eBay might also blacklist you or even institute legal actions.

Avoid exaggerating the features and capabilities of the products. Do not deliberately withhold a negative aspect of the product especially if the said product is a second-hand or refurbished. Just state the facts as they truly are. You would rather scare off potential buyers but attract only those who are genuinely comfortable with the state of the products as it is.

3. Make it Sales-oriented

Write the eBay product descriptions to sell rather than to inform. You want to beat the competition and lure the prospective client within the shortest time possible. This is why you have to be clear with your mission. Use salesy language such as ‘10% off’, ‘Latest Arrivals’, ‘Why pay more?’, and ‘Great Sales’ e.t.c.

When a prospective client sees such words, he will quickly get enticed. He will more likely take an appropriate course of action in response to the enticement or offer. This again will get you to beat competition from other like-minded sellers on the platform.

If possible, you might also wish to incorporate excellent graphics, eye-catching banners, videos, and animations. These also go along way in enhancing the visibilities of the descriptions. Highly visible descriptions will, of course, elicit greater responses compared to those that are plain and dull.

7 Tips on how to write an eBay product description that sells

4. Leverage the eBay SEO

The eBay SEO is a special algorithm determines the rankings of the search results pages on the pages. This algorithm plays a crucial role in beating the competition. This is because ordinary searches will often prioritize lower priced goods over and above those that are highly priced. The algorithm, however, bypasses such issues. It is, therefore, a good way of beating those who offer lower prices.

Do not hesitate to take advantage of this feature. If you utilize the practice, most buyers will get to see and subsequently by your goods notwithstanding the fact that they may be priced higher than those of the other sellers may. This will, therefore, place you at a strategic advantage over and above your competitors.

Related content: Learn product photo size requirements for Amazon, eBay and other leading online marketplaces.

5. Incorporate Keywords and Ideas from Competitors

eBay maintains a zero tolerance policy towards plagiarism. The site does not tolerate the acts of copying and pasting the features and technical specifications from competitors. However, there is a way to get around this particular obstacle.

The key lies in ‘stealing’ bits and pieces of such information and incorporating them in your own descriptions. This will put you at a significant advantage in that while sellers search for their goods, they will more likely confront yours regardless of their search criteria.

Learn how to do keyword research for eCommerce in just 5 easy steps.

This brings along several benefits. For one, your goods will stand a fair chance to be seen as long as a seller uses a related keyword to search for a product. It will also make your eBay product descriptions more comprehensive in scope. This leaves out any doubts or gray areas that may prevent a seller from making a firm purchasing decision.

7 Tips on how to write an eBay product description that sells

To leverage this tool, skim the existing pages of the product you intend to sell. Copy all the features that are listed there. Edit the lists by getting rid of any redundancies or repetitions. Be sure to counter check the lists for the sake of ascertaining the accuracy. You would not wish to supply false information to a buyer, would you?

6. Provide Exceptional Services

Drafting eye-catching eBay product descriptions will not offer much help if the corresponding good or service does not live up to those expectations. Indeed a buyer who does not receive the expected outcome will not only return the good but also resolve never to acquire goods from the same seller in future. This, as stated, may have far-reaching repercussions such as loss of revenue.

It is for this reason that you have to up your game insofar as matters service delivery is concerned. See to it that you respond promptly to the inquiries of the buyers. Faster responses will often boost your trustworthiness and solidify your standing amongst the various buyers.

eBay also has a reward and merit scheme, which identifies and acknowledges such exceptional services. This is the eBay feedback score. This is basically a compilation of the performances of the seller with regards to meeting the expectations of past clients. Higher scores mean that the seller has generally performed well in meeting the demands of clients. It is indicated by means of a purple star in the information box of the seller.

7. Take the Best Photos

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Indeed, no matter how attractive and vivid your descriptions are, clients will often insist on seeing the product before making an appropriate decision. This is why you have to take nice photographs to accompany those descriptions.

The clarity of the photos determines largely the likelihood that they will sell or not. To take the best ever shots adopt several strategies. Capture the shots of the specific item from different angles. This is to let the would-be buyer have a complete glimpse on the nature of the item.

Example of best product photo

Match the photos with the corresponding eBay product descriptions. In case you have a description touching a button, for instance, match the photo to reveal the button, and so on. Be sure to use charts, labels, and illustrations wherever possible. This will go a long way in enabling the would-be buyers to understand the product well.

Never hesitate to use videos and animations. This should especially be the case when dealing with an obscure or technical item. It will aid a buyer in comprehending the photo fully and arrive at a more informed decision.

Lastly, eBay does impose certain restrictions on the size and overall dimensions of photos that may be uploaded on their site. This is why you will almost always have to resize your photos. You require the help of a clipping path firm. This is basically a photo-editing firm like Background Remove specializes in the same.

Background Remove offers high quality handmade clipping path and image editing services at affordable prices. Get quote in 30 minutes for your next shot.

Tips for Writing A Perfect eBay Product Description

The Dos and Donts of writing eBay product descriptions


  • Be sure to include the great selling points of your item. These include the top features, specifications, and other vital aspects of the product that set it apart from the others. Also, try as much as possible to explain to the buyers the kinds of benefits they stand to reap from those selling points.
  • Break down the sales portfolio to the would-be buyers. These include the accessories, user manuals, cables e.t ed-hrvatski.com.c. for electronics; remote controls for the televisions and so on. While at it, let the clients know what he ought not to expect from the sales package. If it is electronic for instance, you might want to tell them that the gadget will not contain batteries. This is to enable the buyers to adjust their expectations appropriately.
  • Make the sentences comprehensive in scope. Do not leave anything out, especially those issues that may have a bearing on the sales of the particular item. Do not also forget to punctuate your sentences appropriately. Remember, you will never have a second chance to make the first impression.


  • Flash, JavaScript, and other active contents.
  • Any content that is not relevant to the item you are not promoting
  • Too long descriptions
  • Small prints that are eligible to buyers
  • Contact details
  • Links which are irrelevant to the product under promotion
  • Word-for-word copies from other sites
  • Return policies and shipping information for selling online


Drafting suitable eBay product descriptions are no mean feat as you may clearly see from the discussions above. This is because you have to invest a great deal of energy and skill in achieving the same. As you attempt to carry out this scheme, you have to bear several issues in mind.

You have to identify the keywords necessary, determine the volumes of the search, find others phrase that may help, and obtain all the pieces of information that are relevant to your specific niche. You should also be mindful of your competitors.

Remember, your overall goal is to beat your competitors. This is why you should look out for what they also offer. This will enable you to adjust your contents appropriately. Now that you have received the right guidance, why don’t you now go ahead and draft a good description?

If you are short on time and need help editing your product photos that converts, just contact us now. We offer free trail for up to 3 images to test our quality.